University of Cambridge Philharmonic Orchestra

The University of Cambridge Philharmonic Orchestra (UCPO) is a non-audition orchestra, welcoming all skill levels. We rehearse every Wednesday in St Giles Church (CB3 0AQ) from 7:30 to 9:30pm. We rehearse a wide range of music and perform a concert at the end of each term. Recent repertoire includes Star Wars, The Phantom of the Opera, as well as music by Tchaikovsky, Schumann and Sibelius. We also look to perform concertos with soloists and perform new compositions written by students.

Local residents and members of the University of Cambridge are welcomed on any instrument (particularly violinists) and in October/November we will audition a conductor. Players should just bring themselves, their instrument, and a music stand!

There is no cost to join, though we will ask for voluntary membership fee each term / year.

Keep in touch with UCPO on Facebook.