The Homerton Singers is a society under the umbrella of the Homerton College Music Society (HCMS).

It is made up of singers of all ages both from within Homerton College (staff and students) as well as singers from the immediate locality and beyond. This is one of the ways in which Homerton College reaches out to the wider community. The choir consists of the usual four parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) and all levels of experience and ability are welcome. Repertoire is decidedly eclectic and extremely varied embracing songs from the shows to opera choruses – folk songs from around the world to popular songs. We sing in the termly HCMS concerts as well as presenting concerts in our own right – often combining with school or other choirs.

The musical director is Dr Douglas Coombes MBE who is a highly experienced conductor (and music educator) who makes rehearsals fun and entertaining while helping all the singers come to grips with the music. Our accompanist is the Accompanist Scholar of Homerton College.


The choir rehearses on a Monday evening during term time in the Great Hall of Homerton College, from 7:30 – 9:15pm. Doors are open from 7:00pm.


Everyone 18 and over is welcome. Students and staff from Homerton College may enrol for free. For others, the termly charge is £25. THERE ARE NO AUDITIONS and you do not need to be able to read music – although music is provided as an aide memoire.

Anyone interested in becoming a member may simply turn up at the Great Hall on a Monday evening at around 7:15pm so that music can be issued and a few details taken

Or reach out to Carole Lindsay-Douglas, hon. choir secretary and librarian at if you want to explore the possibilities of becoming a member

