Members of Cadenza sit on stone steps in front of a stone wall. They wear a combination of black, white, and blue performance gear


Cadenza is a mixed a cappella group, performing in both Cambridge and further afield to critical acclaim.

Cambridge University Chamber Choir (CUCC)

Bringing together the best student singers to perform complex and diverse chamber repertoire.

Cambridge University Collegium Musicum (CUCM)

Collegium Musicum is a vibrant ensemble giving students the rare opportunity to perform on period instruments and learn historical performance techniques.

Cambridge University Experimental Music Ensemble (CueMe)

Performances through a fresh approach to the classics of the repertoire.

Instrumental Awards for Chamber Music Scheme (IAS)

Enabling students to participate in high-quality chamber music at the University, open to undergraduates and graduates at all Colleges.

Reed Only

A versatile Sax Quartet.