When: June 11, 2024 7:45 pm
Where: Pembroke College

Please note that this event is not organised by the Centre for Music Performance, and as such, the Centre cannot accept any responsibility for inaccuracies in its listing. Any questions or concerns related to the performance and event details should be directed to the ensemble or performers responsible for this event.

Pembroke College Music Society | Jessica Folwell

Archaeology student Jessica Folwell (Clare, 2021) presents a 30-minute programme of heart-wrenching songs to include:

Schubert | Gretchen am Spinnrade | Blondel zu Marien
Libby Larsen |  Big Sister Say
Roger Quilter Music | When Soft Voices Die
Cheryl Frances-Hoad | Two Shakespeare Songs
James MacMillan | Scots Song

Begins at 7:45pm in Pembroke Chapel.