Advanced Popular Performance Scheme (APPS) Auditions

The APPS enables students to participate in high-quality popular music at the University. It is an intercollegiate scheme open to undergraduates and graduates at all Colleges. Award holders will be comprised of outstanding popular musicians from across the University, preparing you for professional careers as performers.

Individual pathways are available for popular vocalists and groups, each providing professional coaching to assist in the development of your performance. 

You apply to the scheme from the beginning of the academic year and audition for places within Michaelmas term each year. 



Vocal Auditions will take place on the 28 October 2024.  

Application deadline is 25 October 2024 at 9am. 


Bands will be auditioning for both the APPS scheme and the Centre’s Take it to the Bridge Competition, where the winning band will perform on the main stage of the Cambridge Club festival.

Band Auditions take place on 2 November 2024.

The band application deadline is 30 October 2024 


From jazz trios to metal bands and indie groups, APPS Bands will play together over the course of a year (and often for the whole of award holders’ time at Cambridge), and their members are encouraged to develop long-term performing relationships together as bandmates. Vocalists from gospel to pop to rock will refine their talent, developing into talented popular singers. 

APPS members will be coached by professionals across a wide variety of genres. Bands will be paired with a professional to develop their performance in a particular style, whilst Vocalists will work with multiple coaches to work on both their singing style but also vocal health and technique building. 

Regular performances enable students to develop musically as individuals and as bands. The scheme provides opportunities for performances throughout the year, with selected groups chosen to perform in showcase concerts and special projects. 


Vocal Audition Signup:  Information on how to apply coming soon

Band APPS & Take it to the Bridge Sign Up: Information on how to apply coming soon


Any questions?

Please make sure you read all the information on this page. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at

Apply as a Vocalist Apply as a band for APPS and Take it to the Bridge

Audition Requirements

APPS Vocal:

Popular vocalists are required to perform two contrasting pieces in their audition.

The auditions are limited to 10 minutes so do not be surprised if a piece is cut short.

Accompaniment is not provided, so vocalists are required to bring their own, or sing unaccompanied:

Backing tracks can be used, but must be emailed to before 9am on 9 October.

A Piano is provided if you wish to self-accompany, or bring in your own accompanist

Vocalists are welcome to bring their own guitar/accompanying instrument to be plugged in. Please be mindful though that we will be operating a quick changeover and any delays your instrument may cause will be taken from your audition time.

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your audition timeslot

APPS Bands:

Bands are required to perform two contrasting pieces in their audition.  

The auditions are limited to 15 minutes so do not be surprised if a piece is cut short. 

Bands will have a 5-minute soundcheck 

Please be mindful though that we will be operating a quick changeover and any delays your instruments may cause will be taken from your audition time. 

Auditions will have 2 panels, one judging groups for the APPS Scheme, the other selecting 4 bands to go through to the live final of the Take it to the Bridge competition 

If you would only like to be auditioned for only either APPS or take it to the Bridge, please indicate it on the form.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes before your audition timeslot 

What does being an award holder involve, and how much time is required?

As an award holder you will receive training throughout the year:

  • Vocalists
    • Attend six coaching sessions per year with guest professionals.
    • Give regular performances. You will need to arrange your own concerts and may also be invited to perform in the showcase concerts and special projects.
  • Bands
    • Attend and schedule four three-hour long coaching sessions per year with your specialized guest professionals
    • Give regular performances. You will need to arrange your own concerts and may also be invited to perform in the showcase concerts and special projects.

We hope that as an award holder you will also play an active role in music-making within your college and across the University.

Students from all subjects can take part in the APPS, but it is worth considering how many hours a week you are willing and able to devote to your performance, and how a commitment to practicing will fit around your academic studies. Life at Cambridge is very busy (but rewarding!), and you do need to be organised in order to balance academic and APPS commitments.

By being a member of the APPS scheme, you agree to: 

  • Perform in APPS Showcase gig events. These gigs are done as part of the scheme, and no payment should be expected. 
  • Ensure you are proactive in booking all training sessions into your diary and make the CMP aware if you are having any difficulty arranging these. You will make the CMP aware of your session dates. 
  • You also agree to booking suitable rehearsal spaces for these session 
  • Agree to regularly rehearse, developing your sound between training sessions. 

Who can apply?

The APPS is open to both new and current students at all colleges, and you can apply in any or all years during your time at Cambridge

What standard do I need to be?

You should be at least equivalent standard to Distinction at Grade VIII of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), to apply for the scheme. You should have extensive experience performing to a high standard.

What instruments can apply?

Vocalists and bands of all genres can apply, with a separate pathway available to vocalists.

How do I apply?

You need to complete an application form. Having received your application, we will invite you to audition. You can read more about the audition process below.
Band and Vocal audition information for 2024-25 will be announced soon

What happens at the vocal auditions?

  • You will be invited to a vocal audition, which will take place at West Road Concert Hall.
  • You will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces.
  • You may be asked questions by the panel.
  • Accompaniment is not provided, so vocalists are required to bring their own, or sing unaccompanied:
  • Backing tracks can be used, but must be emailed to before 9am on the 9 October.
  • A Piano is provided if you wish to self-accompany, or bring in your own accompanist
  • Vocalists are welcome to bring their own guitar/accompanying instrument to be plugged in. Please be mindful though that we will be operating a quick changeover and any delays your instrument may cause will be taken from your audition time.

What happens at the band auditions?

Band auditions will be combined with the first round of our Take it to the Bridge competition.

Bands are required to perform two contrasting pieces in their audition.  

The auditions are limited to 15 minutes so do not be surprised if a piece is cut short. 

Bands will have a 5-minute soundcheck 

Please be mindful though that we will be operating a quick changeover and any delays your instruments may cause will be taken from your audition time. 

Auditions will have 2 panels, one judging groups for the APPS Scheme, the other selecting 4 bands to go through to the live final of the Take it to the Bridge competition 

If you would only like to be auditioned for only either APPS or take it to the Bridge, please indicate it on the form.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes before your audition timeslot 

Previous Award Holders



Jordan Maureen:

Maya Moh

Garbhán McEnoy

Iona Luke



András Droppa:

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